Easy achievements and fairly fun gameplay make this movie tie-in worth taking a look at.

User Rating: 6 | DreamWorks Kung Fu Panda X360
Let's face it, movie tie-in games usually suck. They are generally full of glitches, have terrible voice acting, and seemed thrown together for the sake of making a buck. Well for a movie tie-in game, Kung Fu Panda isn't that bad. It's not glitchy, the voice actor are the same one's from the movie, and the game seems to have purpose.

While this game would be a major disappointment as a stand alone game, as a tie-in to a kids movie it's not too bad. There are 13 levels in the game play that last a total of 5-7 hours. So, while very short, the time spent playing is fun.

If you're an achievement hawk, then you'll definitely want to check out this game. All 1000 achievement points can be obtained in about 12-15 hours in two playthroughs. One negative is if you miss something you'll probably have to start all over again in that there are only three save slots. Even when you finish the game, it doesn't unlock any type of free play that allows you to go back and redo levels to get achievements you missed.

A few of the levels can get frustrating which is why this game got an easy rating as opposed to very easy. For the tots, they will be able to do most of the game themselves, but may need some help for a grown up.

Overall, this game is worth checking out either through rental or bargain bin. It is fairly enjoyable and is certainly one movie tie-in game that doesn't suck.