Kung Fu Panda the game is too short, but it's fun while it lasts.

User Rating: 6.5 | DreamWorks Kung Fu Panda X360
Kung Fu Panda the game is definitely not as good as the movie. For one thing, it takes the plot from the movie and puts in more stuff to make more levels. Unfortunately, some of the stuff they added is really stupid. For instance, you have to go to the lake of tears to fight the evil Croc gang?!

Plus, you can't do the actual adventure 2 player. And most of the multiplayer games are kinda weird. Monkey is way too good; If he gets the first punch, then his opponent doesn't have a chance of getting a punch in. He would have to run away (and even that is difficult).

The adventure, although fun while it lasts, is way too short with 13 fairly brief levels. And the last level is a bit too difficult(it's the only difficult part of the game!

If you're going to get Kung Fu Panda the game, I would recommend the special pack which also contains Lego Indiana Jones.