not so good...

User Rating: 6.5 | DreamWorks Kung Fu Panda X360
I have seen the movie of this game and it was very good,but the game is not so good as the movie...
first of all the story is not the orignal story and that makes it kinda weird,there are some missions that doesnt exist in the movie like:
finding those eggs,flying with one of the masters,and things like those...

the graphics are not so good too it was sapuse to be better than that.

the gaming control is good but the way they fight is not intresting and they cant be improved.

One of the most important thing that the game lacks is vidoes,ass all of us knows it is so creepy when there is no vidoes in a game its like to go around with no purpse.
there is no good sound efects in the game wether in the fights or in main menus or at the time it loads the game

the game is in some ways boring and have no new stuff that a game should have...