Surprisingly enjoyable

User Rating: 7 | DreamWorks Kung Fu Panda X360
I went into playing this game not expecting very much at all. And I was very pleasantly surprised. I have actually had a lot of fun with this game. The combo system works very well, and the fighting is very fluid and well done. The levels are very well designed and they look great. I enjoyed the movie and some of the humor in the game is taken right from the big screen, so that is pretty cool, if you like that kind of thing. The game lets you play as several different characters that have different attributes, so the game has a very varied design to it. Some of the levels are spent on foot as the panda, some are spent as the tiger and some are even flying levels. The one bad thing I will say is that the voiceover work for the game is atrocious. It is absolutely horrible. Especially having seen the movie and knowing what the characters are supposed to sound like. Not one of the stars from the movie appears on the video game to do a voice, but if you can get past that, the game is actually pretty fun and enjoyable. I would recommend it to anyone into the movie and definitely kids.