Under no circumstance should any real gamer bother playing this title -- unless you're trophy hunting.

User Rating: 5 | DreamWorks Kung Fu Panda 2 PS3
I'll be honest, the only reason I played this game (let alone have a review for it) was for what I thought was going to be an "easy" platinum. Be that as it may, "easy" turned in to four separate play-throughs in order to unlock one of the last trophies I needed. I even used a guide and it still took four attempts.

No, I'm not slow, and the intricate plot-line of a panda that can perform Kung Fu did not get the best of me. The reason is there are a total of 1800 collectibles you have to find in the game for different trophies. You find these by breaking every object you can (literally) which then drops different types of collectibles (i.e. iron, gold, copper, etc.), and you need to find EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

Some how, some way, despite breaking everything that was breakable in each level on my first THREE play-throughs, I still came up short on one particular type. After running back through each level and finding NOTHING else that could break, I had to start over.

Long story short, this game was insanely annoying for that very reason. However, I finally did manage to find all 1800 collectibles and this game can burn in eternal hellfire because of it. What? I'm not resentful at all.

Now that you have a decent understanding of my pain, the game is definitely for kids. Adult gamers and more seasoned gamers will find nothing appealing here at all. Its simplistic combat lends itself great for young children who haven't yet developed their twitch reflexes required by more complex games; and it's a great distraction if you need something to get your kids out of your hair for a few hours while you hit the bar.

The graphics were serviceable, but the low-quality development is obvious. As far as I could tell all the actors reprise their respective roles, but Jack Black still isn't funny.

I recommend this game for parents with kids or people -- for whatever disturbing reason -- that just can't get enough Kung Fu Panda in their daily lives -- and that's about it. If you want to experience Kung Fu Panda, stick to the movies.