Drawn To Death Review, Lazy or Stylistic?

User Rating: 5 | Drawn to Death PS4

Drawn to Death, while having a fun cast and a great lineage is a sub-par game. How do I mean that? I mean it by the following:

The Graphics are really low poly, though this may have been done for the sake of Style. The sharper, More angular edges to things make it all seem more like sketches in a book, the sloppy, Pen-like colors do this as well. The problem is it also makes the whole thing look cheaper and uglier. I like the style but I can't tell where the style begins and where cheap-and-easy-to-make begins.

The Story is basically nonexistent, you play as a sketch from a note book fighting other sketches in the note book, in yet one more sketch of the note book. Some of them are based on the Sketcher's life, yeah, but that's not super obvious and there's no story expanded upon all that much if at all.

Lastly, the game play is fun, the limited roster is balanced well enough, the arenas of this Third person shooter reward thinking on your feet, the weapons are interesting, and the levels and characters all have little subtle touches that take time to get used to, so it's a good time. But games like this need more then six playable characters In the humble opinion of your reviewer, it also needs to not operate like a Free to play game especially since if you don't have Playstation plus, the game is Ten bucks, and even if you get PS Plus, post April, that will be rendered Null and void. The Free to wait type model in this game is a bad movie, I don't care what the asking price is for the select few of us who have PS Plus for April of 2017 is.

Overall it's worth a gander, but not necessarily the full flat out purchase.