I wish there was more details on how the RPG engine worked, but aside from that it is a solid game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Drakensang: The Dark Eye PC
My biggest complaint is in the fine details. I wish the manual spent more effort on how the game mechanics worked. You will figure this out as you play, but I think the early tutorial area would go better if you knew better about the choices you can make for your PC and followers.

The spell list is a little shallow, 40 spells is probably a lot for a game 10-15 years ago... now, not so much. But that said I like how the magic works and that mages and hybrid spell users are more useful because of it.

Experience is a little different, you are always being awarded with points for character building, but you also have levels which effect your caps for skills. There is no waiting to build up a neglected skill or pick up a new special ability or spell, which is nifty. But it can make characters a little unfocused if you do not have a plan.

I would have liked to see more control for the initial build of the character. Both in regards to looks, but also skills. The expert mode only provides so much customization.

The story is jam packed with an odd mix of cliche and surprise. For the most part it is linear and railroaded but the writing is interesting enough that the lack of real choice is okay. I would say this is typical of Euro RPG's.

Drakensang is a great game it struck a chord with me. But for gamers who do not want to take the time to figure out a rule set or appreciate a game whose power level is a notch below D&D, it may not be for them.