Cant customize characters faces. Otherwise, great game!!! I give it a 9 out of 10

User Rating: 9 | Drakensang: The Dark Eye PC
This game is almost perfect. I just wish I was able to customize my character as being fat, skinny, muscular, and also face customization would have been real nice too. All the characters have static appearances. A way to customize your characters hair would have been good too.

Other than that, the game itself is great, I like it a lot. Great game! Great environment, and good battle system. Also the extra entities such as plant picking and animal carcass salvaging makes this game really fun to play. I hate hack and slash games they get so born so quick. This has much to offer in way of something different. If your a gamer and you dont like WOW, of D&D, then this game is for you. Drakensang goes far and above other games of it's genre.

And, the forums for this game kind of suck as they are all in German. Would be nice to have a English forum. I can not ask any questions if I need help with the game.