While not necessarily innovative, Drakensang is a highly immersive and enjoyable rpg.

User Rating: 9.5 | Drakensang: The Dark Eye PC
Good third person rpg's are difficult to find. Sure there are a lot that will entertain you for a few hours, but more often than not the game will begin to repeat itself and lose its appeal. Because of this I was all the more pleased upon finding that Drakensang not only kept me entertained but in my opinion stood almost on level with the likes of Neverwinter Nights and Diablo. It was hard for me to place what exactly is so appealing about this game, for it certainly is not a reinvention of the genre and it doesn't even feature multiplayer, which is often a major draw for this type of game. However there are elements to this game that always leave you wanting for more, which is sign of a good game.
One thing that is immediately pleasing about this game is the pacing built into it by both the leveling and the loot system. This is not a game where each enemy leaves a horde of treasure upon his demise, and while this may not seem like a big deal it actually brings a lot to the game by eliminating two major game-killing factors. For one, the player isn't always swapping out his equipment after each battle for some new gem, which while exciting for the first few times can make finding better equipment somewhat anticlimactic; by making you wait for your loot Drakensang gives players a real sense of satisfaction and excitement with each find. The second improvement is with the leveling system, which while still featuring distinct levels does not make you wait for each level to build up your attributes. Experience/Adventure points are earned through defeating enemies and completing quests, and can be spent at any time during the game; this allows for your character to gradually improve his skills over the course of each level, and also makes him/her more adaptable to a given situation (assuming you save some points).
Another element that should be noted is the story that drives this game. I won't devote much to this simply because I do not want to spoil it for any prospective players, but I found it to be better written than many other games; on a similar note there are also many side quests that are entertaining and don't feel like they are just there to extend the reported playtime.
This game does feature some imperfections of course, and though they are far from debilitating they should be noted. The first, which I previously mentioned, is that there is not multiplayer; I found this very disappointing since I love playing this type of game in particular with my friends. I have also encountered a few bugs/glitches, but nothing that has made the game unplayable.
I am sure there are more pros to this game that I am missing, and even more that I am unaware of since I have yet to finish the game, but I can say that this game is definitely worth buying. Also I hear that there is a prequel in the making, so be on the watch for that in the (hopefully) near future.