So close to greatness

User Rating: 8 | Dragon's Dogma X360
What I loved:
* Graphics and atmosphere: never before a game nailed that classic fantasy feel like this one. Some sights are truly to behold.. castles, valleys, forests - this game nails so right
* Fighting mechanics are superb
* Fights are incredible... they put up a great show with huge and well anymated enemies, exlosions, huge spells... never before a game realized this so well
* Bosses are incredible (both graphically and to fight against)
* Pawn system is super innovative and generally works well - it also made me care about my pawn more than I ever cared for an NPC
* It's hard, but not unfairly so

What I hated
* Absence of fast travel system
* World is big but feels a bit empty: long stretches of nothing, with few monsters here and there
* Almost no side activities: I usually don't care much about those, but here there is so much potential to make all of this come life
* Absence of random encounters (same encounters happen over and over again)
* Story inconsistencies: one moment you are accused of trying to sleep with somebody's wife and you are put in jail. Get out of the castle, get back in and this guy will keep giving you missions
* Pawns' AI leaves a bit to be desired... why aren't the wizard always casting their powerful spells? Also, their chatter grows repetitive

Overall, if you love RPGs by all means play this game - DD2 is on top of my wishlist right now