A really solid game with many great features... too bad nobody knows it

User Rating: 8.5 | Dragon's Dogma X360
Overshadowed by the release of several major titles this year, CAPCOM's Dragon's Dogma is a great game with a captivating story and game-play to match. There aren't many recent games that can boast a difficulty level like that of Dragon's Dogma. Although it certainly isn't in the realm of Dark Souls, if you wander too far off the beaten path you will quickly find yourself overwhelmed by the stunning creatures that inhabit Gransys. However, after some hacking and slashing you're way through wolves, bandits and a fairly difficult fight with a hydra, Dragon's Dogma starts to become an immersing game full of exciting storytelling and excellent combat. The leveling system is simple but effective and the use of companions called Pawns is not only an important aspect of progressing through the game but also a fun way to interact with other players online. The gear you find and buy will greatly effect your success in Dragon's Dogma, but since gold is surprisingly easy to come by, upgrading you gear is simply a matter of finding the right crafting materials.
Some of the first quests you receive upon arriving in Gran Soren, the capital of Gransys, may seem a little daunting at first, particularly because of the difficulty level. However there are two tips given on loading screens that help you to make sense of how to go about meeting these challenges. The first is that there is no shame in running away from an overpowering enemy. This may seem counter-intuitive to most gamers as pretty much every other game in existence requires you to fight everything you come across. But Dragon's Dogma isn't one of those games; if an enemy is too strong for you, chances are you're not supposed to be fighting it yet. Running away from enemies is sometimes even required by the quest and your Pawns will make sure to tell you so should the situation arise.
The second is that if you are stuck on one quest, try working on another for a while. This goes hand in hand with avoiding overpowering enemies. Usually you will find that you're stuck on a quest because it requires you to fight an enemy that is beyond your means. But with some leveling up and hiring new Pawns to match your level, you will eventually be able to complete your task. The other possibility is that you lack the quest knowledge to continue, in which case you just need to wait until you can hire a Pawn with the quest knowledge you need or until the NPC with the information you need becomes available to talk to in your world. But be warned, if you choose to avoid a quest for too long it may become unavailable and in Dragon's Dogma: choices matter.
Once you get the hang of Dragon's Dogma, you will find it a world full of stunning visuals, grand landscapes and wonderfully detailed creatures. The difficulty level makes these creatures challenging, but with that challenge comes the satisfaction of victory. Overall a game worth purchasing and playing over and over again.