Good game, but also good example of how a game can be too long for it's own good.

User Rating: 7.4 | Dragon Quest VII: Eden no Senshi-tachi PS
DQVII is all about the gameplay. The graphics (outside of battles) are flat out bad, the music is uninspired, and the story is average, but if you can look past that you'll find a very solid and lengthy RPG.

The game begins slowly, with your characters proving to be very interesting up until you've gotten about 20 hours into the game. After that you get access to what is probably the greatest class system in console gaming. You characters begin with about a dozen different classes to chose from, and as they master several, new ones are opened up. New abilities get learned and depending on which classes are masted previously you may create some new abilities. It's extremely impressive and well worth the time to get there. Additionally nearly 50 monster classes are available for characters to learn.

The game's length is also worth mentioning. The game will not be beaten in any less than 100 hours. If you get hooked on a side quest or the casinos you can spend even more time with the game. It's a long game, and I would even argue that it is too long. The main story is broken up into dozens of fragment stories. Some are interesting, but many are unfortunately very dull. Each one takes anywhere from 1 to 3 hours. The flow of the game would have been much better if some were just eliminated all together.

Overall you've got a strong game here. The dull fragment stories can get irritating though and sometimes you just have to suck it up in order to get through them. But Dragon Warrior VII will provide you with many many MANY hours of entertainment (just not all in a row) and is worth picking up if you're into old school RPGs.