The true and classic RPG

User Rating: 9.1 | Dragon Quest VII: Eden no Senshi-tachi PS
This is a great game. I do not know why nobody likes it. It is a classic RPG style of a game. It is not innovative there are no combo buttons or timing in battles but that is what makes it great. The learning curve is simple, whoever has not played an RPG should not start with this. Go play Final Fantasy.

It is very long I will have to say that, but the story I personally liked. Who does not want do discover new lands or fight monsters. The basic plot is that you and your friend Kiefer discover a temple and along with Maribel and the knowledge of an old cook you set out into the temple to find what it holds inside it. Then you start to find different lands where monsters live. That is the basic plot. It becomes very detailed and involved. You would have to play it to understand.

The graphics are not state of the art but I mean come on. I am playing it 6 years again after it came out. I still don't care if it has the gloss or jiggle of DOA. If you are looking for that in a RPG you should look into the 360 or some trailer for Final Fantasy 24 or whatever. This game is about the story and its combat.

I have now beaten the game twice and yes it will take you at least over 100 hours to beat it the first time. That also gives the game great worth. It is only 2 discs but don't let that deceive you. Personally I put the difficulty to hard because I could not just run through the dungeons and beat it right away. It took me at least two to three different times to go into the dungeon. Also certain lands do not require you to fight. It becomes a puzzle game. The puzzles are not simple all the time though. One lands story is that everybody except one man turned to stone. The man is of little use and you have to figure out how to turn the people back with flashbacks of the statues and notes they left behind. There is also quite a bit of depth in the classes for each character. About midway through the game still disc one however you can get classes for each of your characters,u to 2. It has quite a bit of difficulty to master but is also very fun to toy with.

Sound will not blow you away it is appropriate for the time. It is not some great symphony. You will get what I have said this entire review a classic RPG style game. I personally love this game and its younger brother no PS2 Dragon Quest VIII. I also have that game and have beaten it. It is the same style game just with some graphic improvements and different story and yet it got a much better review. Make up your mind you like Dragonquest or you don't. Except for the game boy one. That one was horrible you could not remember a single thing. I had to start writing quest notes on a pad of paper.