Amazing RPG style game with a catchy story line. Surely a game youll play after you beat it. now the review.

User Rating: 10 | Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker DS
GAMEPLAY: Very good gameplay. More control over what you do in the game, and the monster synthesis is great too. Lets you create new monsters with the ones you have. 10.0
STORY: another great story in this one, and another excellent job by square enix. Very catchy too, except the whole father being the warden thing wasnt helping but it was still catchy. 9.5
CHARACTERS: The hero of the game has great hair in my opinion, but wy would you punish someone to save the world? The villian, Dr.Snap, played a good part, not a fan of emo boys hair though(sorry), and Solitare, the arch enemy, was excellent in the story to, but shouldnt the hero become the new comissoner? 10.0
OVERALL: Great game i recomend it to people who will stick to playing the game all the time. Another great job by square enix and akira toriyama, the artist. 10.0