Dragon Quest IX possibly one of the best RPG DS games out there!

User Rating: 8.5 | Dragon Quest IX: Hoshizora no Mamoribito DS
I've only had this game for 4 months now and I still can't stop playing it as it has all of the best features you could ever want in a game classes,difficult and my favourite GRINDING!

This game can have some bosses that will make you rage quit but after some fun grinding you feel pleased when you finally defeat the boss.This game has a perfect difficulty for an rpg.

The length of this game is very long after the main story (40+ Hours) you have over 150 side quests to complete which adds an extra 100+ Hours as you battle bosses and complete quests while having a great time enjoying the story lines of each quest. And about half way through the game you get GROTTOS! Where in each one lies 3+ floors leading to the Boss of the Grotto!

The classes are amazing as each one has its own special meaning in the game and its fun with the new character design option making your own party of allies to destroy evil.

The game is addictive! At the beginning it was a bit slow with action but as it got closer to the end the story got amazing and I couldn't stop playing.

In conclusion the game is amazing!

Post Game:8.3

Overall 8.5
Closing Comment:Dragon Quest IX is the perfect game for a new or experienced rpg fan!