This is a great rpg that may have some faults but not enough to set it aside. the gameplay is good and i' d recommend it

User Rating: 8 | Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II GBA
The Legacy of Goku II picks up where the Legacy of Goku I ended. Goku still has yet to return from his epic battle with Frieza on Namek while the others have returned to their everyday lived. The game initially begins where you briefly play as Future Trunks right before Gohan dies in his final battle with Androids 17 and 18. from there, the storyline switches back to the present when Frieza and King Cold come for revenge against Goku by destroying the earth and all his friends. A mysterious youth known as Trunks (becomes known as Future Trunks) travels back to this time (his past) in order to save it from a grim future (his present). After making quick work of Frieza and King Cold, FT waits for Goku to return for he knew that he would be arriving soon. Once Goku returned, FT explains everything to him… he comes from the future and that in 3yrs androids created by Dr. Gero will appear and threaten the world, how the Z-Fighters fall one by one att he hands of these androinds, and that goku dies from a heart disease. Before returning to his time, FT gives goku the antidote to this heart disease and tells him that “I shouldn’t be doing this. b/c it changes history, but some history should be changed.” The Z-Fighters then train for 3yrs and head out to confront these androids who turn out to be other androinds created by Dr. Gero…..them being Android 19 and Android 20 (aka Dr Gero). After what seemed like a certain victory for Goku against Android 19, the heart disease strikes and the tables are then flipped. Thanks to the Vegeta’s perfect timing and new found Super Saiyan ability, Goku is spared Android 19’s toture and is rushed back home by Yamcha to get the antidote. After finishing off 19, vegeta heads off to follow Dr Gero while the others follow. Dr Gero then activates the ones FT feared, 17 and 18, along with a third, 16. 17 kills the dear doctor and our heroes try to face the androids but fail miserable. A new menace named Cell emerges, also created by Dr Gero who desires to absord 17 and 18 to reach perfection. Piccolo, in a last ditch effort, fuses with Kami and confronts this new menace. However, this proved futile and Cell escapes and to hunt down 17 and 18. Our heroes then go their separate ways, each with a mission to fulfill. Finally the androids make it to Kame House, where Goku is currently residing, and are confronted by Piccolo who battles 17. the battle is interrupted by Cell who makes mince meat of both 17 and Piccolo and then is interrupted by 16 before he has a chance to absorbs 17. unfortunately, 16 fails to kill Cell and Cell in the end absorbs 17. As he makes his move for 18, Tien steps in and fires multiple “Tri-Beam Cannons” to stall Cell long enough for 16 to flee with 18. however, this weakens Tien and just as Cells about to kill him, Goku appears, grabs him and Piccolo and disappears for the Lookout. While all this was happening, Vegeta and Trunks where in the HTC……they then emerge and head for Cell while Goku and Gohan then go into the HTC. They confront Cell and Vegeta fights with Cell as a SS 2nd grade and seemed to be wining. However, Cell appealed to Vegeta’s ego to allow him to become perfect and then he’d have a worthy opponent to fight. Vegeta agrees and lets Cell absorb 18 and then beat the living pulp out of him. FT steps in and goes SS 3rd grade and seems to be just as good as his dad did the first time around but then Cell gets serious and pummels him. FT then realizes that this form has weaknesses and he therefore could not win like that. Cell decides to spare them and instead announces the start of a new martial arts tournament, the Cell Games, to take place in 10days and that anyone who wants to save earth should participate or its curtains for our dear planet. During this time our heroes train, meet some old rivals, and appoint Dende as the new Guardian of the Earth. The day of the tournament finally arrives and after a brief, yet funny, interruption by Hercule (he thinks he can beat Cell and, therefore starts punching him rapidly in the chest. Annoyed by this interruption, Cell simply punches Hercule who goes flying), they begin. Up first is Goku, who has mastered Full-Power SS. He and Cell go head for head and in the end he gives the reins over to Gohan. Everyone is shocked by this, including Gohan and Cell, but the fight continues. Cell decides that he wants to see Gohan’s true strength and, therefore, creates Cell Jrs to harass the Z-Fighters and make Gohan angry as he watches his friends get hurt. However, this isn’t enough and he continues to get pummeled by Cell who edges him on. In the end, 16 makes a comeback, only his head though, and tells Gohan that they are similar in the respect that they both enjoy nature and wildlife and don’t like to fight…..except, there may come a time when fighting is the only answer. Cell laughs and crushes 16’s head which was a mistake since it triggered Gohan’s transformation to SS2 (he had obtained SS in the HTC). Gohan drastically turns the table by destroying all the Cell Jrs and then throwing everything back at Cell who becomes enraged. After Gohan beats the sh*t out of Cell, he spits out 18 and prepares to self-destruct. Goku selflessly steps in and uses “Instant Transmission” to teleport him and Cell to Kind Kai’s planet where he explodes. The Z-fighters are saddened by this but are happy its all over…..but then Cell returns (thanks to his Piccolo genes) and blasts his variation of frieza’s “Death Beam” at FT, who instantly dies. Vegeta decides to take Cell on in revenge and in the end Gohan has to save him from being killed (by using his arm to block the attack). Cell and Gohan then engage in the legendary Kamehameha battle. Thru the help of the Z-fighters’ distractive blasts and goku’s spirit helping him, Gohan blasts Cell to bits, which are then incinerated, and finally bids adios to this monster once and for all. From there the Z-Fighters wish for things to return to normal and 18 to become human (krillin’s request since Goku refused to be brought back, since he rather wanted to train in the other world). And that’s where the story ends.

All in all, the game play generally follows this except for some deviations that one may call fillers for video games…..or added missions. In any case, the game is good but I would have liked to have been able to play FT for a longer period in the beginning and then again when he “battled” Frieza and King Cold…and some other instances that I cant recall. Of course, since I’m an avid Future Trunks fan, this may just be my opinion. The graphics were good and the fighting was to be expected on the GBA. And lets not forget the music that goes along with it.....wonderful. i normally dont like game soundtracks, listening to it while playing the game is one thing but not listening to it all the time, but i downloaded most of the songs from the soundtrack b/c i loved them so much. I would recommend this game to people who love DBZ and rpgs. Also, I would recommend the 3rd one, called Buu’s Fury for the same reason.