Very good DBZ game.

User Rating: 8.8 | Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II GBA
The gameplay is good. Really easy to learn. Pretty much you have your punch move and then you have the B button that can do several different attacks depending on what you have set on it. You cycle through your various attacks with the L button. You usually have 2-3 Ki attacks and then a transformation... usually a super saiyan.

At one point in the game you can also learn how to do charge attacks. You can do this by holding down A and then letting go. It'll kill most enemys in about 1-2 hits so its pretty useful.

The sprites in LoG II look quite nice. Sure they aren't the best. But they do exactly what they need to do. The energy attacks looks nice. They're no budokai 3 splash effects or anything like that. Again they do just what they need to do. The enemys get repetetive but hey. You want something to blow up with a big Ki attack? Got it. You want to kit something multipe times? Got it. The graphics bring the world of DBZ to life well. And I have no real problems with them.

Not much to say about the sound. Its DBZ really. The sound Kii sounds, the music, the punching... everything.

It sounds like the show and thats a good thing if you ask me.

LoG II is a good game that should keep you busy for a good 15-20 hours. Maybe less. Maybe more. It all depends on how much of the extra stuff you do and how much level your guys. One of the main reasons this is better than the sequal is the fact that the story is better. The Cell saga is just better than Buu's. Anyways LoG II is a great RPG Adventure that shouldn't be missed by fans of the series. However if you're new to DBZ a rental may be a wise choice.