Pretty fun.

User Rating: 8.5 | Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II GBA
Dragonball Z: The Legacy of Goku II is one of the best role-playing games of it's time. Its memorable story makes it an entertaining rides for all Dragonball fans. You'll be able to play as powerful Z fighters. The cast of playable characters includes Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, Vegeta, and um... Mr. Satan.
Gameplay-wise, it goes pretty well. It's not like some kind of beat-em-up game with random killing. It involves some strategy and puzzle cracking also. The level up system is very basic, but it doesn't seem to have any flaws. Combat can be a little challenging at times too. You can't expect to beat every foe by just button smashing and hitting enemies with nubbish arms. You can use ki blasts and special moves, such as "Kamehameha".
The famous villains of the "Android Saga" appear in this game with a perfect show of their personalities. Android 16 is hopelessly confused, Android 17 thinks of himself as an unstoppable leader, Android 18 is just an emo-wannabe who just goes with the flow, Android 19 is just a tubby blob who likes to chuckle, Dr. Gero (Android 20) is just plain crazy, and Cell thinks he's the invincible fighting machine.
One problem. Personally, I think this game is geared toward little kids, and I don't think most of them could get through this game alone. I can imagine. They can't beat Android 19, they throw their GBA on the ground, and start whining to their little buddy," Dag nab! I can't get through this part! It's too hard! This game is stooopid! "
Here's another negative to the game. They totally butchered some scenes of the game. They made Krillin's talk almost like Yajirobe. Krillin's no coward. He just knows his limits! Also, they make Yamcha into some kind of big-talker. He's not a show-off. He just wants to show his enemies what he thinks of them. Okay, Tenshinhan can be soft at times, but he's not that soft. He's a tough, three-eyed warrior who likes telekinesis.
While there are some flaws, this game is not made for you to turn your back on. The bad things can be ignored. Good, solid gameplay will draw you in to the incredible word of Dragonball Z.