this game is pretty fun and easy to play but after a few months or so, u find urself not playing it nearly as much.....

User Rating: 8.7 | Dragon Ball Z: Bukuu Ressen DS
this game is pretty fun and easy to play but after a few months or so, u find urself not playing it nearly as much as u used to. the graphics are pretty ok but i have definitley seen better. i remeber b4 i got the game, everytime i went to gamefaqs, commercials and little pictures or brief trailers would come on and make a really big fuss about this game so i expected it to own. truth b told though, like i said, it's fun, but it wears thin after a few months and the story mode for each character is none like i've ever seen. there were specifics like, u have to beat a certain character within a certain time limit, or u have to beat a certain character with another character, or even beating them with only a certain amount of health left. i personally, couldn't complete it without looking at a walkthrough from gamefaqs. if ur considering buying this game, rent it first and decide if u like it...b warned though, it's first appearance as far as attacks go is pretty "hooky" so don't make ur decision 2 soon...