DBZ SS Warriors 2 is a must have for all DBZ fans, and even for the ones who don't, like me. Try it and you'll have fun!

User Rating: 8.7 | Dragon Ball Z: Bukuu Ressen DS
I heard lots of each good and bad things about this game, so i decided to buy it and see it for myself. Some people told me this game was totally seemed with DBZ SS Warriors for GBA, and that it is too short and boring. However, I complitely disagree with those people. This game is AMAZING, and the action never stops.
The game play is simple: you have some battle modes at tjhe begining of the game; you can choose anyone of those modes, excluding ine ???? mode which is unlocked as you advance in the game. TYhere's a Z-battle mode, where you can fight several opponent's, practice mode, where you can practice your techniques and learn the basics of the game (Tuturial mode), a Free battle mode, where you choose your characters and yourt opponent's as well and a Story mode, where you choose a character and enter in his / her story. As you proceed in each's story, you obtain special abilities for this character and the possibility to unlock another characters. The gampelay, during battles, is totally diferent from GBA game. TOTALLY DIFFERENT. There are dozens of attacks, WHICH DIFFER FROM CHARACTER TO CHARACTER. It's amazing and fantastic. Each one has its own attacks and team attacks to develop, so you'll find this game very very very wonderful. Attacks are simplily developed, so you'll have no trouble. Each character has its own abilities too. The attacks in this game ARE MUCH MORE FANTASTIC than in DBZ SS Warriors 1. TYhere are lots of characters to fight with and some support characters which cannot be fought with, but which help in the others characters battles. Counting with these support characters, there are more than 30 characters to choose from. THE FUN IN THIS GAME IS INFINITE.
** GRAPHICS: the graphics are quite good; however, the graphics of the characters in battle are similar to the other game, and that's the weakest point of this game. However, ATK graphics are AMAZING and very BEAUTIFUL; we mustn't compare both games, cuz this is much more fun and advanced.
** SOUND: There are great background musics in this game and the ATK sounds are fun and well developed. Also, the voices of the characters are nice.
** VALUE: There are lots of modes you can choose from, and the STORY mode will leave you busy for a long time. The action never stops, and if you enjoy this game, you'll allways want to fight more and more and more.
** TILT: I love this game, and I think people give a lower rank to this game than the one it reallly deserves. This game is different and amazing for everyone who enjoys it. But I can tell you one thing: don't believe in those who says that this game sucks!