The best DBZ game for PSP!!

User Rating: 9 | Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road PSP
Hello again, now I'm gonna talk about this awwesome Dragon Ball Z Another Road game.

The story mode was awesome, it was new and by new I mean it was not based on cartoon, but it was sweet anyway. At some places they were talking withj their voice and that made it awesome. Great job people.

The game was based on Budokai style like DBZ Budokai 3 or 2( these are PS2 games). Anyway I liked it alot cause it was like a non stoping battle, the speed of fightung the graphics and their moves or techniques it was all awesome. I enjoyed playing it and I think I feel now that I want to play again.

There were so many characters and the new one which I didnt thaught that they'll put them in the game. Like Janemba and Pikkon I didnt thaught that they would put these characters, but they did and I was so happy cause one of my favourate characters is Janemba. The character selection was great and the part that you have to put cards for your character to increse thier ki recharging, strenght, ultimate blast, or just blast there are more that I didnt mention,

It is a really good game for challenging some person to play with you, and its really nice to finish the story mode oh and also arcade mode. The arcade mode has a different ending for every character. When you finish the arcade mode you'll win the tournament and each character will say different things, I really liked it.

I really wish that they had made a tournament in this game so that all my freinds could play in the tournament. I really would love that. Anyway thats all I got to say about this awesome DBZ game, keep up the good work people.

Thanks for reading.