Not bad, but could be more news. Better than the first one, but only a very little.

User Rating: 7.5 | Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road PSP
Shin budokai was a good game. Good graphics, good gameplay, good characters, good... well... that was all of the goods. And that's why i gave only 7.0, and not more. Now shin budokai another road realised. And what can we see? Shin budokai, with very little news. One or two new levels, one or two new characters, and thats all. They gave as an RPG part of the game, where we can fly wherever where we wan't in a... well, very little place. But the little place is not a big problam, but the graphics of this little place is so terrible, like a nintendo 64 game, no! nintendo 64 can do better than this. But it's still a good game, it's still enjoyable, but i hoped more than this. If you don't have the first shin budokai, you sould buy this one, but if you already bought the previous game, i don't think you must buy this remixed version.

Graphics: The fighting mode is nice, even if the characters can't open there mouth. The attacks like kamehameha, or final flash is nice, like the anime. But the flying mode has a crap graphics. Sorry but this is the true. But the fighting is more important than flying, right? 6/10

Sounds: It's good, it could be 10 point if it's not only the musics what we heared in budokai 3, and shin budokai. So it's old musics. 9/10

Controls: Good, nothing changed, but this is not a problam, cause it's perfect now, not should be changed.10/10

Gameplay: Good, but this is still shin budokai's one. I forgave the graphics are the same one, i forgave the sounds are the same one, i forgave the controlls are the same one, but i won't forgive this. Nothing changed, so it's just fair. I'm very dissapointed. 6/10

The good: Fast gameplay, a little new things.

The bad: It's shin budokai 1.5, the flying mode is stupid, short