What can I say, making this game was practically a crime.

User Rating: 2 | Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World PS2
Ok, so where to start. Let's begin with the gameplay shall we?
If you ever player budokai 3 then you're going to have the strongest feeling of dejavu ever, and it's pretty much justified, because it's the same game! I don't know what the people in Atari are thinking but it kinda seems like that somebody stood up one day and said :"Hey, you remember when we actually made a good game, that Budokai 3? Well what if we copy that game and put some minor changes in?" And then they actually believed that it was a really great idea and the rest...well...the rest is silence.
So anyway, the game is practically the same as Budokai 3 with just some small differences. They took out the picture format story telling format and put in some cutscenes. And that's kinda nice, but I bet every person who hasn't seen the anime and doesn't know the story will watch every cutscene and say:" I don't get it" Because the cutscenes are short and way too shallow. Also there are the bonus missions like catching bubbles, running the snake way and all that, pretty nice.
Well lets say that you're not that interested in the story and cutscenes and you just want to fight. Better get your heart medication and alert the doctor just in case because this game is is going to beat you down and keep you there unless you develop some serious skills. I really don't know where they got the idea to raise the difficulty level but right now you're going to put the difficulty at very easy and get your ass whooped, I don't even want to imagine what the "normal" difficulty is like. That's kinda what pulls you away from the game. I mean, where's the fun if you just lose all the time?
Ok so let me try and squeeze something else good out of the game. Hmm...well the graphics are a bit better although chances are 1 to 10 that you'll actually notice them. I give up, there just isn't anything more. If you want to know more about this game then just check out Budokai 3.