Infinite World gets everything from Budokai 3 and adds more better stuff.

User Rating: 7.5 | Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World PS2
Graphics: 6.5/10
Basically the same as Budokai 3, meaning the Backgrounds are still beautiful and character models look fair.

Story: 8.5/10
I really like the story here. Budokai 3 had a good story, I think Infinite World has a great story. I like the new mini-games to stop the usual fight-fight and fight some more. My only annoyance is the flying through ring stages are terrible. Without a doubt the worst thing, in the game. Overall this section is great though.

DBZness: 7.5/10
The Ultimate's look just as spectacular as before and no real difference in this category to Budokai 3.

Gameplay: 7.5/10
They have added another throw, Ultimate's can now be done freely, no annoying hyper mode. So it gets this score.

Content: 7.5/10
There is enough content in this game to make yo happy, though I don't no why there is no tournament mode.

Customization: 7.5/10
They improved the customization greatly here. To be honest, I don't really miss the level-up system from Budokai 3 here. Sure you can make a character hugely strong once you hit level 99, but in Infinite World there is so many other abilities in its item system compared to Budokai 3.

Overall: 7.5/10
It is basically a copy and paste of Budokai 3's gameplay but they added a lot more things to it and a better story-mode.