It falls in to the category of being very good.

User Rating: 7 | Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3 PS2
Graphics: 6.5/10
The graphics are definetley good, but the best thing about these graphics are the stages, they look just beautiful.

Story: 7.5/10
The story is very entertaining. There is over 10 characters to play as in the story mode for there own individual story. There is also a world map where you can go and fly around and find items and do battles. And with quite a lot of characters to play as, it is quite long to.

DBZness: 7.5/10
The attacks are very erotic and over the top and the characters all look like the ones from the show. So, yes, it does feel quite a lot like DBZ.

Gameplay: 7/10
Now, I will admit, i'm not usually a fan of 2-D fighting games, but the gameplay in this one is okay. It is really fast paced and takes a lot of skill to time teleports and manage your ki. So, the gameplay is good.

Content: 7.5/10
First of all, there is the story, then there is world tournament, versus and dragon arena. Yes there is a lot of content and it is very fun.

Customization: 6.5/10
The customization in this okay-good. The bad thing is in the customization shop not all the items are in stock, so you have to enter and exit until the item you want shows up. The leveling system is my favourite part of the customization. It is very good. The item system itself needs some work because, say your goku, if you equip all your transformations, then you will only have a few spaces to equip supers and ultimates and other skills. It still and okay system though.

Overall: 7/10
Definetley the best of the Budokai series and if you love 2-D fighting games, then this is the game for you.