Great game,story and graphics but hard to play. Missing voice of main character dialogues are AWFUL,ABOMINABLE !!

User Rating: 8.5 | Dragon Age: Origins (Collector's Edition) PC
I never imagine DragonAge will be boring or bad.No way.I like very much Bioware style of gaming :) with great story,characters and all epic poetry and love story between heroes if player need and feel something about this.JadeEmpire or MassEffect(the best) say all.And now...DragonAge, of course.But where there is DAO in this...league of epic games? Well, surprising, despite is a amazing game, i will put on place 3 with a 8.5 score.Why?Because... :)

The game is amazing about graphics but under MassEffect with more.Character models are nice, still don't have the expressiveness or soulfulness of MassEffect figures with all smiles or tearfulness.But is ok.And i don't like it the blood-stained, that splosh of blood in acting of battle...not to look too hot even is a fight butcherly.

And now about ambient&sounds...
THE MOST BIG MISTAKE OF BIOWARE IN DAO IS MISSING VOICE OF PRINCIPAL CHARACTER IN DIALOGUES !!! Imagine MassEffect without acting voice of Commander Shepard! Like a game in white&black.Without voice of NO.1 character in dialogues a game is like food with no salt,really.And this makes a discouraging sensation.The paradox of this is that main character have a voice but make use of only in attack-action cases or when open doors or boxes.Awful sensation,big mistake, a BIG ZERO for this,Bioware.

Combat is strange and hard in DAO if u don't have strategy tactical plans.And slow.Another big zero for this.
Archers don't hit enough and powerful.
Mages haves skills of paralyze the enemy and this is a great sensation.But god action come to slasher.

Characters...i play with Elissa...
Leliana,nice jasper
Morrigan, a girl very haughty,stuck-up,arrogantly,vexed,unhappy,bla,bla :) Hard to go into hers skin :) too hard to make her pleasing you.But helps a lot in battle.
Alistar, nice hair :)
Dog, goooooood boy!
Sten,Zevran,Oghren,Wynne...great team.

The story is great, palpitating, turns on.Still, DAO is not a staggering game. Will play with pleasure and fun, really, is a strong effort from Bioware but they don't tired so much and sometimes that one can see that with half an eye.A god game in waiting of MassEffect 2 :)

Graphics: 9
Story: 9
Gameplay: 8
Sound,voices: 6 (and this because missing voice of main character)