This is a bad version of a 3rd person Diablo rather than good Skyrim

User Rating: 2 | Dragon Age: Inquisition PC

If you're a PC (RPG) gamer, have fond memories of Ultima, Baldur's Gate, and the Elder Scrolls series -- then look elsewhere, because this game plays nothing like the previously mentioned. Its a poorly designed 3rd person Diablo.
Trying to find the loot on the screen in 3rd person is tedious at best. And the inventory system had no thought or care put into it at all. Those are just some of the most obvious things wrong with this game. For a first time Dragon Age player, I was somewhat expecting a 3rd person Baldur's Gate (from the looks of it). But, its not. Its a 3rd person Diablo done badly with pretty graphics. You're better off going to the Nexus Forums, grabbing some visual mods and re-playing Skyrim until the next big (hyped) RPG comes along.