Finally an interesting adventure game for 2008 :)

User Rating: 9 | Dracula: Origin PC
It's nice to see the adventure genre making a come back, 2007 has been a fantastic year and 2008 seems to be also fantastic (Sam and Max season 2, Sherlock holmes vs Jack the ripper, still life 2...). Dracula origin was one of the game I was looking foward for 2008.

Gameplay: like every adventure game on earth, the game want you to solve a lot of puzzle and I love that ^^. The story is a bit weak at the begin (after the cutscene), but will quickly get your attention if you give it the time ( Like an Agatha Christie book)

Graphic:Unlike the 2 previous Frogware Sherlock Holmes game, the game return to the 3rd persons for this game and this is a good move in my opinion. Unlike Sherlock Holmes: The awakened, the graphic feel better, more detailled. You will sometime be surprised at how life-like some interiors can look. The character are nicely detailled and the cutscene are fantastic. Animation is a bit stiff though, but a galant effort was made in that area.

Sound: The voice actors are nice. I want to give a A+++ to the person who voiced Van Helsing ( I think it's the same person who also voice Sherlock Holmes). He got a nice voice that bring a geniously interesting identity to his character, I am happy he doesn't sound like an overexited teen (Tunguska anyone?) The music, while in dire need of variety, is also very good and fit the environment of the game.

Value: Well the game pack an easy 20 hours of gameplay if you love to solve puzzle without using a walkthrough. Maybe 10-15 hours with a walkthrough, but what the point really... You can get the game for only 20$ on steam.

A nice deal for you and your brain ;-)