Game based on puzzles, puzzles, puzzles and more puzzles. If you're a puzzle lover then this is the game for you.

User Rating: 6.5 | Dracula: Origin PC
I decided to play this game because I am a Castlevania fan, always have been since the old Nintendo system, and decided to play this game. I didn't realize what I was getting myself into.

Don't play it. I mean unless you love boring puzzled games, but hardcore puzzled games, then you should not play this game otherwise. This game is packed with puzzles, and they are hard, no kidding, there is no getting around them; the game is boring obviously, there is no interesting story or plot; how can there be right?, well anyways I can say much because I stopped playing the game half way, it was too much for me to handle. There is no running, there no weapons, there is no excitement here, only puzzles, talking, walking around and of course, the glue that holds the game together… more puzzles!!!!
PS: play it at your own waste of time. lol