Puzzle Game Lite

User Rating: 6 | Dracula: Origin PC
I am in the minority of people who love to play puzzle games. I don't even mind the pixel hunt. I pretty much knew what to expect out of this game, having played all of Frogwares' Sherlock Holmes games. I really enjoyed the last Holmes game, Nemesis, and I was excited about the Gothic feel of this game.

The graphics, while far from the best, were definitely interesting. I appreciated some of the gorier, gloomier scenes. It gave me a chill to walk into a room and find someone hanging from the ceiling. But there was something far more horrifying than the dead bodies in this game...the voice acting. WHY do people in Vienna and Transylvania all speak with a British accent??

I was sorely disappointed by the puzzles in Dracula: Origin. I have seen the reviews that called the puzzles in this game extremely challenging, but having played similar games, these puzzles were ridiculously obvious. What a coincidence that someone gives you random objects "that make great souvenirs" and you need the exact objects fifteen minutes later. If you're paying attention, things are very obvious. If I didn't know what to do, I just checked my inventory for something I had been carrying around for a while.

Finally, the story was mediocre. Certain elements didn't make sense at all. It's a liitle to convinient that the friend you are visiting has a living room that happens to be connected to the university library which JUST HAPPENS to be connected by secret passageway to the home of the monks you are looking for. And guess what...there happens to be a key to that same library hidden in the very room you are standing!

Overall, I felt like this game was a bit dumbed-down from the usual puzzle game. Puzzles were easy to solve, characters gave obvious clues and over-stressed unlikely pieces of information. The story was haphazardly strewn together, and the characters were boring and unintelligent. I'll give it a 6 because I enjoy the genre, but I would not recommend it to anyone.