Classic Doom feel with interesting new gameplay and features...on the cell!

User Rating: 8.6 | DOOM RPG MOBI
Doom RPG is easily the best game I've played on the cell phone. It has all the classic Doom visuals and combines that with innovative new turned-based gameplay. The game is a bit challenging without being too difficult or confusing. Areas are easy to navigate with help from the map as well as various characters who provide useful information. You get all the weapons you expect from Doom: the pistol, shotgun, chaingun, double-barreled shotgun, plasma gun, rocket launcher, and of course the BFG. You also get two new items: a fire extinguisher for putting out various fires (the base is under attack by demons after all), and an axe that can be used to break crates, open jammed doors, and dismember zombies, lastly you also get a collar that can be used to tame dogs. These dogs are used just like any other weapon, except they take damage for you. But what RPG would be complete without currency and vendors? Well this game has that; credits can be found in many places and used to purchase ammo, med kits, and stat upgrades. Your character levels up as you fight through hundreds of monsters including lowly zombies, imps, pinkies, rocket-launching mancubi, and many more. The storyline is actually surprisingly entertaining and contains several plot twists. Doom RPG is also the longest game I've ever played on the cell, taking several hours to complete. The only problems I have with the game are that equipment can be a little too abundant at times, and there could be more sounds. But overall this is a great time-killer and only costs $5.99! Download it now!