DOOM PRG in turn-based style?

User Rating: 7 | DOOM RPG MOBI
OK. The graphics just like the original DOOM. Which is really cool, that’s why I played it. A mistake in my opinion. DOOM in RPG form, a cool concept. But not in turn-based style PRG. Another thing is that the sound isn’t like the original, like in the original you can’t hear your footsteps and breathing which kind of got you all worked up (will it did for me). In this all you hear is the music, gunfire, and monster noises.

For those who don’t know what turn-based style RPG is. It’s an RPG where you and the enemy take turns on moving and attacks count as a turn. Its go for some games but not DOOM.

The turn-based part doesn’t happen unless there’s a monster in the room. So monster can’t sneak up behind you without you knowing it. The other times it’s just walking around like normal.

Now don't get me wrong I did enjoy playing the game it's just I had some problems with it.