In a world where tilt controls ruin decent games, one hero will rise... Doom Guy!

User Rating: 8.5 | DOOM: Resurrection IOS
It's been scientifically proven that 78.934% of all games start out with a hero suffering from Amnesia. It's also been proven that 2.53% of all iPhone games are able to use tilt control responsibly. Doom Resurrection falls into both categories and proves just how fun iPhone-specific controls can be.

In case you haven't heard, Doom 3: Mobile Edition (what I like to call it) caused an uproar equal to that horse armor DLC thing when it was revealed to not only be on-rails, but using tilt-to-aim controls. While these things may sound horrible on paper, id Software proves time and time again that paper is a flimsy thing that can be an airplane one minute and a swan the next.

The tilt controls are actually a bit too good. You'll be headshotting fools like it's your totally-not-imaginary job. You can pick up items by tapping them onscreen, and they don't even have to be near you. I actually started picking up objects from down the hallway and even in other rooms. However, sometimes Doom Guy will turn a bit too fast and not give you enough time to pick up that lifesaving medkit before getting mauled by a pinky.

Doom has never been known for it's stories. All you need to know is that you have a breech-loaded projectile-firing tubular barrel with a handle, and there are Imps that want to eat your face. Put two and two together.

The art style is the same as Doom 3, and while animations can sometimes be janky, the texture work is some of the best I've seen on the iPhone, and is overall graphically awesome. However, since this is an id game, that's a surprise to absolutely no one.

If you could launch a serious complaint against Doom 3: Mobile Edition, it's that it drags on a bit too long. We actually go through everything Doom Guy went through in Doom 3, but that was a PC game. I would've liked some of the beginning sections to be cut a bit shorter.

Still, with 4 difficulties and some awesome extra challenges, Doom: Resurrection will keep you busy for quite a while. If you really are that put-off by good control innovations, Doom Classic is available to you, too. And if you can't stand retro graphics, then you can just go crawling back to Gears of War, you little dog turd.