Profit$ of Doom

User Rating: 7.7 | DOOM II PC
A year after Doom, which sold many copies, ID software came up with Doom 2: Hell on Earth. It basically is the same game, but there are more kinds of enemies to fight. The levels are all new and i found hem a little bit bigger and better then in the original. There is one new weapon; the double barreled shotgun. I never finished the game because the endboss always made my computer crash. It was a goatlike picture on a wall that kept on spawning new enemies. Doom 2 is a bit better then Doom, but it isn't as renewing as Doom was. However, the greater variety in enemies and the clever and more varied level design, together with a typical hellish atmosphere make this one the best of the two. In 2004 Doom 3 was released. I never played the game, but i hear it's pretty good.