The oft maligned Doom 3 is actually a great game.

User Rating: 9 | DOOM 3 PC
Many bashed Doom 3 for not meeting some kind of weird expectation. I don't know what some people expected, but Doom 3 delivers on what would reasonable expect from it.


Let's face it, there's not going to be much innovation in this game. There is some, and I'll get to that, but for the core element of the game as a corridor shooter with zombies and demons that pop out of the dark is there and is very well done. The controls are crisp and smooth, the guns are fun and have a good deal of variety, and the overall experience feels very comfortable.

That AI is okay, but not groundbreaking, but what would expect from zombies? Each and every foe has a weak point or a specific tactic that wil make defeating them much easier. For example, if you keep trying to rush the imps and blow them away, you'll get your ass handed to you. You need to lure them to throw a fireball, rush in blaast them with a shotgun and then quickly back away. Ah, just like old times. And thankfully many of the baddies from the olden days make a reprisal on the new engine.

Speaking of the new engine...


This game looks incredibly great. The textures are well done and rich, the modeling is very smooth, and the levels are incredibly intricate. The Doom 3 engine delivers a feast for the eyes and provides a very rich experience. The machinery located throughout the levels are very well done and it gives the levels a very authentic appeal. You will often find yourself shrouded in darkness, for which you have a flashlight. Unfortunately, you cannot use your flashlight and gun at the same time. (though there are mods to correct this) Many people complained about this, but the reasoning is to add atmosphere.

The thing that I actually enjoyed the most, and thought was pretty groundbreaking (definitely something that many other FPSes should emulate) was the ability to use panels in-game. When you come up to a panel you don't just press the "use" key and then run on. You actually have to look at the panel. When you do, your crosshair turns into a little finger pointer thing whereupon you click the apropriate button. Another neat feature of Doom 3 is the PDA. You download content from terminals and other people's PDAs and such which gives you various amounts of information. Some of it is pointless fluff, such as a firearms instructional video and a videeo about water purification on Mars. There are also audio logs to listen to and e-mails to read. The later 2 often contain useful information, such as codes for locked storage lockers, and infromation that helps flesh out and further the plot.


The sound is very done. The gunshots and various weapon sounds are intense and really add to the visceral feel of the combat. The bleeps and bloops of the various consoles you interact with as well as thePDA sounds are spot on and really help add to the fun of using these little interactive devices in the game. The sound recording for the audio logs is also surprisingly diverse. There are a few instances where you can tell that a few voices are from the same actor, but the voice acting tends to do a very good job mixing up voice pitches and accents to try and help hide this fact.

The enviromental sounds are where Doom 3's audio really starts to shine. From the demonic laughter to the sounds of warning sirens, the ambient effects keep you on your toes. Occassionally you'll hear a disembodied voice taunting you. The audio is also very crisp and sometimes, just when you thought you were alone, the shriek of a fireball weilding imp will make you jump out of your seat.


A fun game that provides a lot. The value depends on how much you like to replay games. The multiplayer game modes are generic and nothing to write home about. It is obviously the single player experience that shines in this game. I've owned this game for some time now, and I still play it every now and then.

Wrap Up:

Incredibly fun and generic game. It's a corridor shooter, as what one would reasonably expect from Doom 3. The nice touches of the PDAs and the interactive panels make for a more immersive touch that truly adds a lot to the game. Considerinf that this game is pretty old as of me writing this, this is definitely a game to pick out of the bargain bin.