User Rating: 5.5 | DOOM 3DO
I think games like Doom are rare nowadays, most of FPS have a lot of things to do besides shooting, you have to find the computer in the security room full of invisible laser beams and machine guns, then you need to escape using the stairs to get to the roof where your helicopter is waiting!...Doom is based in fun and that´s what this game will deliver to you. A lot of people say that Doom is responsible for defining FPS games as they are. I agree but I must say that if Doom defined the FPS genre Castle Wolfenstein created it. 3DO has regular graphics considering the console capabilities presented in a lower resolution compared to the PC. The sound is as good as the original PC version but the gameplay is harmed because of the controller that makes moves such as strafe harder than on the PC. What makes this version not as good as it could have been is the size of the window that cannot be ajusted and constant slowdowns during gameplay. A steady frame rate could have helped in this game translation to 3DO.