Don't Starve PC review

User Rating: 10 | Don't Starve PC
Recently Don't Starve a somewhat new game for PC has come out on Steam for 14.99. This game can be a difficult game that makes you wanna throw a brick at your computer screen or it can be a easy game for not so great video game players and it can be just right you can change the difficulty by making more or less of the monsters or foods for example you can make more hounds to make it harder or make more berry bushes to make it easier or you can keep it default and it's your choice. There is another mode that is very difficult such as making you go through a harsher world with no way to make it easier. Each character has different powers and some have weaknesses instead too and that makes the game last longer if you play with all the characters you can unlock. Even if you finish the whole thing the creators are planning on making more characters and more updates and I think the game is great now imagine with more updates sadly the creators said they will never make the game online but it is fun to play alone when your bored. This game is definitely worth buying so buy it on Steam for again only 14.99!

Go look at other reviews on my profile and follow me for more and have a great 4th of July! :D - William A.K.A ComicalGamer
PS3 PSN-GrumpyCatW