If you want a game that is just AWESOME thats not $200 for your Sega Saturn buy this game asap!

User Rating: 9.5 | DonPachi SAT
I will tell you right now I find Radiant Silvergun over rated by 2 points and over priced by $160! DonPachi is 10 times better so many ways. The game is beautiful and the weapons are sweet and the game talks to you and thanks you for playing when your game is over. I bought my copy off of ebay for around $30 and it was well worth it. Super fun good music and badass weapons. I have made it up to stage 3 and I think this is a underrated shooter. Go buy a gameshark for your Sega Saturn and start rocking this game like yesturday. You get 3 ships to chose from, you have your normal shot then hold it down for a big blast shot but then your ship moves slower and of course you have bombs.

Goto YOUTUBE and check out Classic Game Room HD - DONPACHI for Sega Saturn review. And you will fall in love.