review 15

User Rating: 3 | Donkey Kong Jr. no Sansuu Asobi NES
BARF.this game is gross.donkey Kong Jr Math.what the heck.
what the what.all you do is math and if you get it wrong you have
to start again.this game is a waste of money and a waste of
life.if your goona make a video game for hard core gamers.
don't make math games or spelling or any other.GOSH.also this was goona be a video game crash of 1985.well the only
reason it didn't was because of other games like well you
name it. also the game did ruin some of the Nintendo.JUST didn't that game rocked like it gave you a chance
to complete you math test and get over with school and all
you do is math in the game.WHY ON EARTH WOULD THEY
MAKE THIS PIECE OF POOP! now if you find this destroy it
and review 16 well its coming your way.A SPOOKY HALLOWEEN
WAY.BYE GAMERS.JUST KIDDING.there's more about this game.
the game came out in October and im playing it in October.what
a laugh.actually no who cares.I DON'T!!!!!!