I just simply love this game!!

User Rating: 9.3 | Super Donkey Kong SNES
When I think of the SNES, I don't automatically think of Mario. I always think of Donkey Kong! Donkey Kong Country was one of those games that brought fame to the DK and his nephew, Diddy Kong. It was one that cemented their legacy as one of the better-known characters on any console. It was basically the best 2D Platformer on SNES at the time. No game could compete (Super Mario World is an exception) with its beautiful graphics, good-looking sprites, wide array of villians, complex levels, and just plain nostaglic value. This DK game was about Donkey Kong and his nephew Diddy Kong getting back a barrel of bananas from King K. Rool, an evil crocodile, and his followers. This was one of the first platforming games that had two characters tag each other in and out when you felt like it. This was done because each Kong had different strengths, which would have to be utilized at one point in the level to get all the way to end of that level. For Example, DK was the stronger of the two, who could knock out strong enemies with one hit. Diddy Kong was the more faster and agile of the two. He was mainly used to jump from platform to platform when they were too far. When going into a level, the goal was to collect as much bananas as you could (100 gave you an extra life), balloons (gave you an extra life), animal tokens (would bring you to an animal-themed level). The level designs in this game are absolutely mind-blowing! It was mainly because it was pre-rendered 3D graphics that made the game look so polished and clean. The worlds are very detailed, and are very lengthy as well. All in All, This is one of the most enjoyable 2D platformers to date, and if you can ever get your hands, don't hesitate to buy it.