Simply Amazing, One of the best games on the Snes.

User Rating: 10 | Donkey Kong Country: Blockbuster World Video Game Championship II SNES
Wow, that's all that can be said about a game this good is wow, simply amazing. Lets start out with the good things about this game first off the music is some of the most memorable music on the Snes, the graphics are also just very good they make the environment look perfect and its just really good for the 16 bit Snes, the level design is outstanding it's so good that in my opinion it may have better level design's then Super Mario World. It's just a really fun game, There is really so much that can be said about this game.

The difficulty isn't to hard and it isn't to easy it's just perfect, the controls are really good to, in fact i would say that they are so good that when you die on this game it's 99 percent of the time your fault. There are so many great games on the Snes it's hard to pick just one as your favorite, while I wouldn't say this is my favorite game on the Snes I would say it is one of the most memorable ones. Every Level is a joy, there was no part of the game where I got bored and wanted to quit, they also changed a lot of the levels up to keep them from getting boring. The controls were very precise also while this is not meant to be a real fast paced game, it could of been because the controls were so good. If you can beat the first Super Mario Brothers you can definitely beat this game, it's the perfect difficulty not to hard but also not to easy, and the difficulty gradually gets harder like a good game should, so from the beginning it's easy, and as you get to the end it starts to get harder. The graphics on this are just outstanding the background is in perfect sync with the levels. Overall Just an amazing game.

Every single person should play this game once in their life time it's amazing, In my opinion I don't think there is a gamer out their that could not appreciate this game.