Donkey Kong Country 2, Diddy's Kong Quest matches the first game without being a let down or surpassing it.

User Rating: 10 | Super Donkey Kong 2: Dixie & Diddy SNES
First I'd like to say that I am reveiwing this as to how it was AT THE TIME for the following catagory: Graphics.

Gameplay: 10
Why: Simply an amazing game. Pure fun and enjoyment but the levels get harder as you go so you can't breaze through it. Secrets and bonus rooms add to your overall percentage and you've only truly beat the game if you receive 100% which can be very challenging. However, like I said, even though it is a challenge at times, the gameplay is superb and you always have fun playing it.

Graphics: 10
Why: At the time, these were the best graphics a SNES game had ever seen. Revolutionary.

Sound: 10
Why: The music is fantastic. The sound effects make the game even more fun and the sound is all top quality. Truth be told, I've kept this game and still enjoy the music.

Value: 10
Why: The game is just so fun. You can play it over and over and over again and it never gets old. Solid, fun gameplay and amazing sound and music give this game a purely perfect balance.

Reveiwer's Tilt: 10
Why: One of my most favorite games of all time. If there is any reason for anyone to buy a super nintendo in this day and age, it's for the Donkey Kong Series. They are that good.