Donkey Kong 64 is a very solid game. If you have any interest in adventure/platform games this game is for you.

User Rating: 9 | Donkey Kong 64 N64
Donkey Kong 64 is the first appearance of the ape since his SNES heydays. Although this game may not live up to the enormous hype surrounding it, it sure is fun to play. The gameplay is solid, from collecting bannanas through the many levels, to the boatload of mini games found within, to the playable version of the origional donkey kong found hidden in the game. Oh, and did I mention the 40+ hours of gameplay if you intend on grabbing every golden banana. The sound is also very solid, the many songs in each of the environments will have you humming for days on end. The noises that each kong makes can also be quite hillarious at times. The game sure shows off in the graphics department thanks to the added help of the expansion pack which is included with the game. I tip my hat to Rare for having such quality level design in their games, I mean the levels in DK64 are quite large, and very immersive. Overall Donkey Kong 64 is a load of fun, and I reccomend it to anyone who is interested in adventure games.