To me being a dog is way better then being a human.

User Rating: 8.5 | Dog's Life PS2
Dogs life is just what you are looking for if you want to see what it is like to be a dog. It will make you laugh your head off with all the funny things you can do. My favourite thing to do is to do a peeing competition.

The music and graphics are just great and the storyline is very intriging. One of my favourite characters is that mad scientist and Jake is right, he has been watching too much science movies.

It is a very easy game and is quite simple to get all the bones in the first town but in the other two towns it is quite hard. There are a few hard bones such as the one Boom City where you are trying to stop that crimanal with a gun. I always get shot.

Dogs Life is very good game and anyone with a sense of humour would enjoy this great game and when I was younger I would never stop playing it. To me, a instant classic.