If what you look for in a game is dodging dalek lasers and solving easy puzzles, this is for you

User Rating: 4 | Doctor Who: The Adventure Games - City of the Daleks PC
I was expecting something pretty action packed and awesome fight scenes and stuff. Turns out all it is is puzzle's and dodging dalek lasers.

I mean obviously in the second episode you don't dodge dalek lasers, but you do a similar thing were you run round getting cybermen to walk into some air vent and die? It's not really fun at all, but the actual storyline's of these episodes are good and would be better as an actual TV episode.

The graphics are pretty poor, even on the higher settings. And the dialogue is pretty damn awful. and also I don't know if this is true but they haven't released a 3rd episode in 2 months, either its taking amazingly long or they've given up. I say the second one, or they should have anyway! It wasn't going anywhere and Not most fans of the series really enjoyed the game, including me.....