Is this what programmers think breasts are really like?

User Rating: 7.1 | DOA2: Dead or Alive 2 (Platinum) PS2
The first DOA game gained fame and notoriety (is there even a difference between the two anymore?) because it was the first 3D fighting game that... well... let’s say simulated the.... well... let’s say "movement" of.... parts of the body.... that would, let’s say be affected by gravity. Specifically, bouncing boobies. To a rather exaggerated degree from what I’ve heard. Well, DOA2 wasn’t about to abandon the closest thing DOA1 had to a "claim to fame" so the jiggling is back and just as ridiculously overdone as before. Disproportionately buxom beauties box it out right along side their thankfully not-quite-so-exaggerated male counterparts in this graphically improved sequel. Jiggling aside, DOA2 is actually not a bad game. It has a decent fighting engine (fighting game "purists" please hold your comments till the end) and is generally a well polished product. This game added new elements to the 3d fighting game genre such as destructible environments, multiple leveled stages, and brutal moves that make use of the confines of the arena to ones advantage. DOA2`s biggest strength, however, is simultaneously its biggest weakness. That trait is its simplicity. DOA2`s fundamental fighting engine is not nearly as robust as games like Virtua Fighter, Tekken, or Soul Calibur. While this makes it more appealing to the casual gamer, fighting game purists and old arcade jockeys will scoff at this in-elaborate game and dismiss it as eye candy (or worse yet, whacking material for horny teens). Personally, I feel it falls somewhere in the middle of these two categories. It’s a pretty game to watch from a graphical, animation (and no I’m not talking about the jiggle factor), and fluidity. However, those who are of the old school thinking of fighting games will find it lacking. I know there are many fighting game fans that will dismiss the DOA series as the “worst” fighting game series out there, but come on people. With crap like Kabuki Warriors out there, I think we can give the DOA series at least some props. This is an excellent fighting game for people who aren’t really all that into fighting games. -Byshop