DmC has intelligent combat, an engrossing story, a hyper-stylish mood, vibrant visuals, and nearly flawless execution.

User Rating: 8 | DmC: Devil May Cry PC
I'm new to the DMC series, and as an outsider I've always viewed the old DMCs as hokey and full of cheesy acting by unrelatable characters. Therefore, DmC astounded me with its intelligent combat system, engrossing story, hyper-stylish mood, vibrant visuals, and virtually flawless execution.

DmC is just an incredibly well-made game with its only fault being it lasts about 10 hours. However, DmC is so compelling that I started a new playthrough immediately, which is the obvious intention of the developers what with four (four!) unlockable higher difficulties.

All cutscenes are skippable, although the acting is so good I find myself rewatching most the cutscenes. Death is very forgiving, and the pacing never bogs down. I didn't encounter a single glitch, and the HD textures make for a crisp, elegant world. The sound design is superb as well.

Basically DmC is a brilliant game that will last 20-30 hours if you desire to find all secrets and fully upgrade Dante. In my opinion Ninja Theory has taken DMC from niche-bizarro status to universal appeal through sheer quality of design. A must play for action game fans.