This game fairly entertaining. And good for a movie game.

User Rating: 8 | Disney's Treasure Planet PS2
This game was hard for me when I got it but I was only about 8 or 9 when I got it. I wasn't a big fan about the running around the best part was the rocket board thing. If it would have been a game just on that it would have been great. Their is a lot of potential to this game. This game belongs in the hands of 5 to 12 year olds The will be chalenged but probably not eperienced an experienced gamer. This is a fun game though and you just want a fun game to try try this one.
You start out as a dude named tim or tom or somthing I havent played this game in a couple of years. On each level you have a surtain number of chalenges to complete. Any one would like the glider thing. With it you can do different tricks different skills for obsticles. Its an older game so if you want to rent it don't. Go to gamestop and buy it used. It should only be about 4 to 10 dollers If its more than that its a rip off. It should only be 5 to 7 $