The entire purpose of this game is to discover glitches.

User Rating: 1.9 | Disney's Toontown Online PC
I don't think Toontown online was made by humans. I think a cat jumped all over a keyboard and managed to almost make a video game. There is NOTHING in this game but glitches, glitches, and more glitches. The collision is horrible (and in some cases, nonexistant) and the programming altogether is horrible.

But programming isn't the only thing wrong in Toontown; it's an online game, but you can't even talk to people. Instead, you use the "Speedchat" system. It's a small list of words or phrases you're allowed to say. You can't even have a normal conversation with other people. Instead, you can go up to somebody and say "That's Toontastic!"

Toontown online isn't worth the time spent downloading the game. And, even worse, you have to PAY for it. Toontown cannot be reccommended to any person of any age, gender, religion, heritage, or even mental state. Toontown is a disgrace to video games and should never have been made.