You'd think a game about a big, hairy Beast would be awesome. And you'd be wrong.

User Rating: 3 | Disney's Beauty and the Beast: Roar of the Beast GEN
This is one half of a two-part companion game. I'd love to say the other half was better, but trust me on this one, it's not.

In this half, you play as The Beast, and honestly, I have no idea what the point of this game is. All I know, is that in the beginning, you're running around your own castle, getting japped by various oddities. The controls are awful, it's nearly impossible to get this hulking, furry little monkey to do anything you want, and you get hit by absolutely everything. This shouldn't even be called a game, because I swear to Bob it's an unplayable mess. Not even the little girls at which the film counterpart was aimed would be able to enjoy this, as many of them, like myself, will be unable to complete the first couple of levels. It's really a shame, because honestly, the beast is, well, beastly. I think he'd be a fun character to portray in a decent video game, but this falls far short of anything playable.